Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Partners in Crime

I've tried several different deterrents for keeping Kosse away from plants and cords (previous posts atest to this...) Regardless, here is my little wanderer...
Suck in the belly,  I need to get back here!
Is anybody looking?
Oh, it's brother!  Look what I found..
What, moma?
In fairness to Ky, he went behind the chair at first telling me "I'll get brother"  but he was a little distracted by the prospect of spritzing the plant.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Swingin' Like a Big Boy

Ky likes to swing and play on the equipment after we walk on the trail at Walker Park.  Kosse usually watches eagerly from the stroller or I hold him.  This particular day I could no longer resist his longing gaze at the swings.

Can I get a push?
I love it, moma! 
Hey, brother, look at me; I'm swinging too!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Arts and Crafts

All the kids always love doing crafts.  I busted out a sheet and some paint and they set to work on some hand puppets courtesy of Gran...
Here's poor Kosse longing to be doing what the big kids are...
I don't think he was happy with me, but it won't be long before he's into the paints too!  Time is flying by too fast....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hugs and Smiles and Pats

Kosse hasn't turned around and sat in this chair yet, but he likes to pat Tigger's face and laugh at him.  I'd love to know what he's thinking...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

We're On A Roll

Today is the 6th day in a row we have trekked out to Walker Park to walk the 1.38 mile trail.  I'm very proud of myself! 
There is a skateboard park in the middle of the soccer, baseball, volleyball, and playgrounds.  I imagine someday I will have heart attacks in this very spot....
After Ky goes around the trail with me, I let him have time to play.  Here he's testing out digging in the sand and getting as much as possible in his shoes.
Anybody want to guess what this is?  Took me a minute!
Honk,honk! Let's get rollin'!

The Beat of a Drum

Saturday mornings are always an exciting time because there is a planned trip to the library.  We have seen a play, a shadow puppets production, several singers and readers. Today was Afrique Arye (sp?).  They are from the Ivory Coast by way of Connecticut (?!) and they play drums and dance.  The boys LOVED it!  On the last drum session,  Ky was more than happy to oblige when they asked for volunteers.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Shoe Saga Continues....

In the battle of whether he will wear shoes or not, Kosse has decided to meet me halfway. 
He spent the majority of the day crawling around happily with just the one shoe on.  (The mate was pulled off and discarded immediately after I dressed him.)

Monday, September 3, 2012


Lately, anytime the fridge opens, this little one makes a mad dash to get in there and grab out what he can before he's pulled away.
You wouldn't believe how happy he is getting in there!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Smiling Brothers

Check out the smile even with those mean old teeth poking....
Look how tall Kosse looks!
Hee, hee, we're hiding!