Friday, February 28, 2014

Bunny Goes to the Mechanic

Bunny has been very busy lately.  The waiting room at this visit was surely the most interesting to Kosse.  He was fascinated by the tires and laughed very hard at the Michelin man as he exclaimed, "maloo, maloo" (which I interpreted to mean marshmallow).

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bunny Visits the Eye Doctor

Getting ready to go to the eye doctor Monday morning...

Bunny came along as usual.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fun Times

Last weekend I was lucky enough to have all four kiddos together.  They enjoyed a game of Hiho Cherry-o.

I love these times.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bunny Goes to the Doctor

Today Bunny sat in his own seat at the doctor's office.
When someone walked by and patted bunny with a "How cute!", Kosse's look of concern was followed by Bunny being placed between Kosse and Moma.  Safety first, I assume....
I love this kiddo!

Kosse and Moma's Stylish Glasses

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Birthday, Grammie!

Have a great birthday, Grammie! We love you!
Want to play Hi Ho Cherry-O with us?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

I saw a commercial recently that said the human heart works hard to pump blood through your body and give you the ability to climb to the top of the Empire State Building and then again 1,000 times over.  But for such a strong organ, it is so easily broken.  And not always easily mended.
Tulips for Kaleb

Happy Valentine's, baby boys.  Moma loves you very much.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Oven Mitt Fun

Kosse thinks it is hilarious to put on the oven mitts.  I treasure the simple pleasures children are able to find in life and wonder why this fades as adulthood comes.  I usually don't attempt New Years' resolutions, but I am going to strive to remember that oven mitts can be fun.

This was his look of disgust when they fell off...can anyone say attitude?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kosse Update

Here is my smart, beautiful boy ready for bed.  He loves these jammies (courtesy of cousins Levi and Milo) and he says, "ROAR!" frequently when he wears them.
Kosse has become more verbal lately.  His sentence for the week has been "I don't want it."  Even if the opposite is actually true.  From only God knows where, he has a defiant and independent streak and once you place down whatever it is that he adamantly "I don't want it" and walk away he gleefully grabs it and yells, "yay!" as if he discovered it all on his own....this definitely makes me smile.  I did hear a new word today that I wasn't as excited about.  When I gave him a plate with a grilled cheese on it for supper, his response was "Yuck."  I told him that wasn't very nice and if he tried it he might just like it.  He did eat the sandwich, but I wonder if he still thought yuck?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Best Buds

Getting shoes on together...

KB gave Kosse an old toy laptop of Ky's.  He loves the toy and he is so sweet to think Bunny might also enjoy it.