Thursday, June 27, 2013

Read me a story, Grandpa!

I love these moments.

Grandpa, Dinosaur Conquering, and Alligator Wrestling

During a game of hide-n-seek at the park, Grandpa is running from being found.
The boys enjoyed visiting the castle at Wilson park with Grandpa.

And there was, of course, some alligator wrestling...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Run, baby, run!

There's a relatively steep incline leading to the park across the street and through the apartments from my duplex but a small distance before you reach the playground equipment the ground levels.  At this point, I put Kosse down or let go of his hand and (generally Ky has started running already) Kosse sets off at a dead sprint screaming at the top of his voice.  I'm not sure how to express my exact feeling at this moment.  He is hurling himself forward as fast as he can and his little legs are pumping as fast as they can and he's yelling and sooooo excited...and my heart just swells.  I always have the sharp fear that he's going to catapult himself face forward into the ground by tripping over something or just churning his legs too fast but at the same time I know he would not be happy to have to slowly walk when he so much wants to run!  I love being Kosse's moma and taking care of Ky and I miss you Kaleb!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Crocodiles are Loose in my House!

It might be cheesy to some to dress the boys alike sometimes, but I can't help myself.  Save me from the cuteness, please!

Crocodiles eat raisin bran just like little boys do, but they munch it harder!  He's a fierce croc!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I can't wait to kiss this sweet little boy!

Little Bugs Ky and Kosse

This is a common scene in my house.  The boys hide under a sheet and Ky yells, "Try to find us!" It makes me laugh.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Boys will be Boys

What better place to enjoy an orange?

Give me that....

Give me that back...


The ball has been taken away....back to enjoying the orange...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

18 month old Stats

Kosse had his 18 mth old well-child visit and received his vaccines...wasn't happy about the shots but the report was great!  He is a healthy, wonderful (that part is from moma) little boy!  Chest sounded good, ears looked good, everything on track....He was 25 lbs and 33 in!