Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What do I do now?

Here is the cutie at the center of my heart:
And the cause of my heart attacks:
Ky said, "Look, Corrine.  Look what Kosse's doing!" I looked over and he was STANDING on this! 
I went into the bathroom this morning and Kosse was on top of the toy box with a look of "just hanging out, standing up here, moma!" 
Yesterday, after I had ran and grabbed him from the highly unstable music table, he stood there with knee bent, foot ready to climb again once I looked away.  Of course, he does this all with those dimples, curls and smiling so big at moma!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Let's Try for a Family Picture

This is me trying to use the front screen on the camera with Kosse:
With Ky and Kosse:
And this is Ky practicing his photographer skills:

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ride 'em, cowboy!

Kosse is getting big enough now that he can climb on and work all these fun riding toys.  This is one from his dad:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who's the tooth fairy, Moma?

Kosse is the proud new owner of his very own toothbrush and paste.  He loves it and is very happy to get his teeth brushed.  I search for the brush everyday because he carries it around and stashes it in one of his many "stash" hideaways.
Go, Thomas, go!
My two teeth!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Joyful Little Boy

I am blessed to have so many smiles and so much laughter fill my home.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Prepared For Whatever Comes Our Way

While Kosse experiments with laundry, Ky dresses himself to be ready for whatever happens.
Raincoat in case it rains...
and snow boots in case it snows.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MIlestone Alert?

In Kosse's baby book, there is a layout for his "firsts".  One of these is "first time I dressed myself".  See if you think this series of pictures qualifies.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's 70 degrees in January!

Even though the wind can be a little chilly, there's no reason to not have the boys running around outside on such a nice day.  These pictures are from Friday.  Of course, yesterday it rained and the sun didn't make an appearance; right now it's 22 degrees outside.  Winters in Arkansas!
Where are we going, big brother?
I'm so cool!
Moma, can I put rocks in my mouth?
No? What about bigger rocks?
Hey, you threw my rocks down on the ground!
I like the ball better anyway! (Notice the joyous grin)
No trip to the backyard is complete without some digging.  Ky informed me that the whole dinosaur skeleton would have been revealed by now if he only had a bigger spoon....I love these kids!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sometimes You Have to Clap

Kosse was chugging down a drink after his nap when Dora or Diego or Fresh Beat Band or etc. inspired him to clap. 
Okay, clapping finished--back to the juice!