Thursday, February 28, 2013

He's Just Hanging Out while Conquering the World

Now that Kosse can get on the couch he likes to romp around on there and give me heart attacks every few seconds as I envision him doing head dives off the edge.  He did have me jump from my seat with my heart in my throat when he launched himself off the couch one time.  He landed ceremoniously on a well placed pillow and came up with a wide grin, a twinkle in his eye and laughing as if he had just conquered the world!  I'm guessing everyone with boys or daredevil little girls out there knows how life can be made up of skipping heart beats.  I love it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moma's Helper

Kosse has been very interested in the broom and dustpan lately.  He tries very hard to actually sweep into the pan. 

Monday, February 25, 2013


A big thank you to Grandpa and Gran for giving the boys helmets.  There was a great deal of time spent changing his mind at the helmet section, but Ky's final decision was Cars.  Ky and I both felt that little brother Kosse would also enjoy Cars.  I had hoped to find this adorable shark helmet complete with fins for Kosse but they were too big....In the end the boys were excited about their helmets complete with bells! Thanks Gran and Grandpa!
Kosse isn't sure about wearing his yet, but he does like to carry it around.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fun City Mini Golf and Rock Eating

Ky loves places like Chuck E. Cheese and Fun City (like a lot of kids).  And for $10 in tokens and a couple hours time, I love witnessing the boys running around laughing and joyously collecting tickets.  Kosse is a little young to understand that the purpose of the tickets is to cash them in for plastic "junk". He didn't necessarily want to hand them over, but was quickly distracted by brother's excitement that we were spending the extra $3 to mini golf. 
While Ky was busy trying to sink hole-in-ones, Kosse was busy collecting rocks (that were everywhere!),
sucking on them (gross!),
and sinking his own hole-in-one! I took quite a few rocks out of each hole!
Do you want to put rocks in holes too, moma?
 Let's try for a picture of the brothers.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cheesecake is yummy!

Who doesn't like to lick the crumbs from the plate....
and then wear it as a hat.
Smooches! I love you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Catch a Ride

Kosse has grown just tall enough to get on and off of his riding toys by himself.  He loves this fact and each morning drags every riding toy from the bedroom into the living room.  Then he has fun making the rounds between each one and cracking me up because he sits on them facing forward first and then, on the second go around, he sits on the toys backwards!
(Hard to tell, but this is his trip riding the toy backwards)

Monday, February 18, 2013


Mail formerly addressed to: Kosse B. Miller
                                              123 Top of Crockpot
                                               By the Stove, Kitchen USA
Should be forwarded to:     Kosse B. Miller
                                            123 Bottom Drawer
                                             By the Fridge, Kitchen USA

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Gran!

To: Gran From: Kosse Moma may have called on Saturday but she forgot to send you my web Happy Birthday wishes! Here is a very big smile wishing you happy birthday a little bit afterward! 
I love you, Gran and can't wait for some kiss attacks on these dimples!