Sunday, June 28, 2015


Cake, Water and Hair!!!

The boys made a cake for their poppa for Father's Day.  It was tasty.  They also made cards that were definitely fridge display worthy!

 The kiddos were soaked by the end of this water fight!

 I took out Ky's braids yesterday and the big hair that resulted put a smile on his face that honestly was not even close to making up for the 2 hours of tears and stress...on both our parts.

This was Kosse's look of disappointment in the fact that his hair was not as big.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Fun Times

Water gun fun...

Don't get the baby wet! But wait til I'm a big boy too!

Signing up for summer reading and checking out books.  The boys checked out the books by themselves.  It took a while and we set off the alarms leaving from one book that missed the scanner but it's okay.  They were very proud to check out the books and tonight at bedtime we had to preview all 14 of them!

Meanwhile up North, the Dickson boys are getting summer haircuts.  Love them!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Snapshots of the Weekend

Running to the playground at the park

Kingston thought the heat was making him a little drowsy and it might be perfect for a snooze if moma would quit taking his picture.

Peter the Rabbit is a large furball.

Banana bread

It will be ready in an hour for anyone who wants a slice of deliciousness made by these young chefs!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Kingston's 4 Month Well Child

Before the checkup..
What, Moma?
 After the shots and pokes and tuckered out little cutie...

He weighed 15 lbs 9 oz in the 45th percentile. He was 26 inches in the 79th percentile and his head circumference was 17 inches in the 86th percentile.  Doctor said he is doing very well!