Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Give Moma Heart Attacks

This is the scene I captured when Kosse thought I wasn't watching:
What's this?
If I could just get a good grip on this....
I could climb up here!
Yes, Moma?  I love you--just playing here.
Now go on, I've got climbing to do!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Have a Winner!

Kosse has tried peas, squash, and bananas.  All of which he had approximately the same reaction too: an interest but not necessarily an intsant excitement.  Until today, when we tried apples.  He loved them!  He finished all of the serving and was very happy the whole time.
Is there more?
All gone!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm 6 mths old! Can you believe it?

Stats from Kosse's 6 mth well child visit:
I weigh in at 17 lbs 12.5 oz!
I'm 26.5" long!
My head is 17" in circumference!
I got all my shots so I can stay healthy!
Anybody want a hug from a growing boy? I love to give cuddles!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's Not a Bug Bite

I noticed a small red bump below Kosse's ear on Thursday.  I thought that maybe a bug had bitten him or maybe just a bump on baby skin.  Friday morning I was sitting on the couch with Kosse on my lap when I noticed the spot had swollen and was hard when I pushed on it.  I naturally flipped out and called and made an appointment for 11:20 (this was at 10:30).  The doctor said it was not a bug bite but a swollen lymphnode.  He said we needed to do an ultrasound to see if there was an absess because then he would go into the hospital and have it removed.  Naturally,  I'm really freaking out by now, but Kosse loved the ultrasound, the goo, and all the attention from the nurses.  He is such a people baby and loves when stuff is happening and he can soak it all in.  Turns out he just needs some antibiotics but when it took nearly until 5 for them to call in the scrip I felt like Mark Lowry's "MOMA'S ON HOLD!"

I tried to capture evidence of the mean lymphnode on camera....
underneath his ear on upper neck
it's huge compared to other side
but Kosse doesn't care about it; he just wants to play!

Playing is Hard Work!

Kosse is all tuckered out from all the play...

I put several toys out for Kosse to play with such as pooh bear, a top, a cow etc. So far, his favorites are the remote control which he loves to slobber and the baby wipes which he likes the krinkle of the package.  He also will scoot to get any diapers that I have stacked next to the couch (unused ones of course) and if any other nontoy items are about that's what he heads for!  He is a very determined little boy and although he's not yet crawling he definitely gets what he sets his sights on!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Peas please...or please no!

Dan jokingly calls me a hippie but I am on this kick about making Kosse's baby food.  Basically the baby bullet is a small blender but it comes with neat storage cups that have a dial with the date on them so you can easily see when you made it...and I think its cool even if it might be a little bit silly of this new moma.
Here's the system:
Everything washed and ready for use:
I took a long time deciding what food I wanted to go with first.  I chose peas.  I later regretted this as I read there can be a pea allergy and they are in the legume family (who knew?) and I thought Kosse was having a pea allergy and I had poisoned him but as it turns out he just had a bad teething day and he doesn't appear to have a pea allergy at all.  As it turns out, perhaps a dislike but not an allergy.
Once again I remind everyone, I'm a new moma.
Ok so here's Kosse hanging out while I made the peas.  I'm sure he was much more interested in the jelly on the toast I was eating prior to this.
Let's cook, moma!
The making and storage of the pea puree:
The introduction of Kosse and peas:
what's this? this doesn't look like jelly...or that chocolate chip cookie you had that I was slobbering for....
I'll do it myself, moma!
In the end, Kosse's opinion of the peas:
Better luck next time we have peas!  Symphony scrunched up her face and said she knows why Kosse didn't want the peas; they're yucky!  But moma likes them and maybe Kosse will come around too.  I just hope he doesn't associate them with teething.  We all know the infamous story of Uncle Lucas, bananas, and the flu!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's Go for a Stroll

Check me out!
Moma says she's getting serious about getting healthy.  She said it was time to get rid of the baby weight....I'm not sure what she could be referring to!  Anyway, she may walk but I plan to ride in style.  My wheels are courtesy of Gran and Grandpa and today I took them for a test run around the living room and kitchen.  Of course, Moma was busy snapping my photo...
What should I do first in my new wheels?
Slobber it!
Don't worry, I can smile and slobber at the same time.
Okay, I love my ride; let's get on the road!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Round and Round

Our visit to the carousel on Saturday was a huge success...
Symphony was so excited to pick a fast horse.
Xara decided on the spinning cup
Aundrea and Alison joined us for a trip
Great time with family
Wondering where Kosse rode?
He took a break to snooze but I'm sure he will enjoy the carousel in the future
Adorable Amelia hung out in her carseat also but she was wide-eyed to the festivities!

Gran and Grandpa's!

We had a wonderful time in Kansas this past weekend.  The visit went by way too fast.  It is so nice to spend time with family and I know Kosse definitely loved showing everyone what a happy baby he is!
The girls enjoy the playroom
Cousin Levi enjoyed entertaining the girls!
How fun; a beautiful group!
All this fun is exhausting!
Napping with the big boys...can you think of a better place to be?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Play Me a Song, Piano Man

The crib piano Auntie Aundrea gave Kosse has made some pretty atrocious sounds as of late whining for new batteries.  Today, armed with a spare few minutes and a screwdriver I replaced the batteries and thought Kosse might want to try it out with his hands (normally he kicks it since it's attached to crib).
Hmm...what should I play?  And, look at me sitting here!
Moma says I'm a prodigy!